INNOVABRIDGE provides expertise and services in three thematic areas: Economic Development, Governance & Rule of Law and Environment & Sustainable Livelihoods. To ensure an emphasis on shared and sustainable prosperity, INNOVABRIDGE's strategic advisors are well experienced in integrating and working with cross-cutting themes including gender equality, social inclusion (youth, elderly, minorities), conflict prevention, and citizen participation.

Economic Developement

INNOVABRIDGE contributes to economic development in poor and emerging countries to improve the conditions for pro-poor economic growth.

Market system development

  • Balanced approaches to inclusion of the poor
  • Analysis of systemic bottlenecks in markets
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Services and market access facilitation
  • Analysis and advice on regulatory measures

Employment and Income generation

  • Skills and gender gap analysis
  • Value chain analysis
  • Coaching for feasibility studies and market investigation
  • Financial services facilitation
  • Temporal donor support approaches

Rural livelihoods improvement

  • Rural-urban dynamics analysis
  • Integral socio-economic and environmental approaches
  • Facilitation of new or improved production opportunities and market access

INNOVABRIDGE professionals have been instrumental to reorient international economic cooperation efforts towards pro-poor, gender-balanced market development. They have accompanied and shaped public and private cooperation efforts towards that aim. In many instances, they have helped design policies and projects – large and small – as well as implement complex programs. Through backstopping and evaluation, they improved project, program, sector and national development strategies.

For any enquiries, please contact

Governance and Rule of Law

INNOVABRIDGE provides support in strengthening governance and rule of law.

Decentralization and local governance

  • Decentralization and local governance
  • Vertical and horizontal political, administrative, fiscal coordination
  • Accountable public service delivery systems
  • Institutional and capacity development
  • Community driven development

Public Sector Reform

  • Transparency, anti-corruption, accountability
  • Political economy of reforms
  • Public expenditure tracking
  • Performance monitoring and evaluation systems change management
  • E-government, e-democracy solutions
  • Land reform and land governance

Rule of Law and Fair Access to Justice

  • Justice system reform and institution building
  • Access to justice and protection of human rights
  • Restitution of property rights
  • Democratic control of police and police reform
  • Alternative dispute resolution approaches
  • Strengthening legislative processes

Social Accountability, inclusion and gender

  • Citizen-centred public service delivery
  • Social accountability tools and methods
  • Civil society and third party monitoring
  • Vulnerability and disadvantaged groups mapping
  • Gender and social inclusion assessments

Land rights & Governance

  • Equitable accessto land
  • Land reform policy analysis and implementation strategies
  • Effective land administration and cadastral institutions
  • Restitution of land and restoration of property rights in post-conflict settings

Effective governance and rule of law are essential not only for the protection of individual rights but also for pro-poor development. All levels of government are jointly accountable for efficient and effective public service delivery to their citizens. Well-functioning local governments are especially important as they are usually the first government door that citizens knock on. Adapting to specific governance contexts, INNOVABRIDGE has been collaborating with government officials, citizens and civil society stakeholders to assess specific needs and provide solutions to a variety of challenges. Our governance and rule of law experts have engaged closely on a short and long-term basis with local and national governments.

For any enquiries, please contact


INNOVABRIDGE develops novel approaches in agriculture, biodiversity and sustainable natural resource management.

Natural resources and agro-biodiversity management for sustainable rural development

  • Design and management of environmental strategies and routines
  • Community driven natural resource management
  • Capacity development of rural advisory services
  • Promotion of novel plant and animal production systems

Food Security

  • Soil fertility strategies
  • Preservation and effective use of genetic resources
  • Sustainable use of traditional knowledge in food and agriculture
  • Fostering the reduction of post-harvest losses

Biodiversity management and nature protection

  • Design and implementation of biodiversity conservation programs, concepts and mechanisms
  • Advising on policy development in biodiversity, nature protection, and biosafety
  • Planning of nature restoration projects in diverse water ecosystems

Biosafety of genetically modified and biological control organisms

  • Management and prevention strategies against invasive plants and animals
  • Risk-benefit and impact assessments
  • Designing monitoring plans of genetically modified organisms and biological control organisms

Looming food insecurity, deteriorating natural habitats and biodiversity, dwindling soil fertility and climate change are challenges that are affecting our livelihoods in many ways, and more so in the future. The INNOVABRIDGE team is experienced in agricultural production and post harvest management, in the sustainable management of water and soil fertility. We are versed in the design and management of nature reserves and natural resources management concepts, in wild and domesticated species conservation. We perform environmental risk assessments of genetically modified organisms, biological control organisms, and potentially harmful invasive plants and animals. We advise innovative entrepreneurs and pioneer farmers in several developing countries in cropping and processing techniques of novel species for the production of food, feed and fiber.

For any enquiries, please contact


INNOVABRIDGE is experienced in service delivery in all stages of the project/programme cycle. Our main clients are bilateral/multi-lateral development institutions as well as public and private entities in Switzerland.

  • Policy and strategy development
  • Project and programme identification
  • Feasibility assessment (incl. baseline surveys, cost/benefit analysis, environmental and social risk assessments)
  • Project and programme design
  • Preparation and coaching of tendering processes
  • Support to financial management (financing systems and procedures, accounting)
  • Process facilitation (policy dialogue platforms, stakeholder consultations, partnership building)
  • Backstopping of implementation incl. support to project and programme monitoring
  • Project/Programme implementation
  • Ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluations (incl. outcome-based cost-benefit analyses)
  • Capacity-building and training
  • Knowledge management incl. development of tools and methods, baselines, surveys, institutional learning, dissemination
  • Incorporation of gender equality and social inclusion in all stages of the project and programme cycle